I always feel badly for thrift stores at this time of year because they are over run with last year’s too-tight sweaters and skinny jeans that were meant to fit some well intentioned soul on the newest fad diet. Let’s be honest here. Whether you are a size 4 or a size 14 – for heaven’s sake – stop attempting to wear skinny jeans! They make everyone look horrible – not skinny. They were a bad idea in the 50’s and the 80’s, let’s allow them go on to fashion heaven once and for all. If you want to look good, then let’s start your Spring cleaning where it counts – in your diet! Spring is an excellent time to review what you’re feeding your body. The Farmer’s Market has started up again and we have access once more to lovely Spring time vegetables. The fruit coming into the grocers is finally tasting more like fruit again too. This could also be the perfect time for you to consider using the services of a personal chef. I can help you prepare healthier meals, teach you how to eat more seasonally and help you reach your weight goals. Check out the rest of my website for further details on how Simply Served can assist you!

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