I recently had the good fortune to sit down with an old friend whom I hadn’t seen in a long time and catch up.  Her name is Mary Celley, but most of you will know her as the “Honey Lady” at the Dane County Farmers Market.  She is the owner of Bee Charmer Honey and her bees produce some of the finest honey I’ve ever tasted.  As we were talking over this and that, we hit on a topic that comes up often when I talk with Mary, the topic of being grateful for the gifts we’ve been given in life.  It’s amazing to me how much power lies in the simple phrase “Thank you”.  My parents showed me this gift early in life, and  I keep their lesson handy so I can access it whenever the chance comes along.  Recently, I was saddened to hear from one of my clients who rang me up out of the blue to let me know he couldn’t use my service any longer.  I’ll never know for certain why he had to stop, (he said he loved the food) but I’ll always wonder.  As we rung off, I thanked him again for using my service and for the opportunity to get to know him for a short time.  I could actually hear more joy in his voice when he said goodbye, and I know it was because I ended our relationship with a thank you.


To all of my clients (current, past and future) I’d like to extend a heart-felt thank you for all that you’ve brought to my life.  I so appreciate your funny stories, your sharing of concerns, your health goals and of course, your friendships and your financial support so I can help keep the lights on and the cats fed.  I’ve enjoyed every minute of this crazy ride that is self-employment, which all of you have made possible.  I look forward to many great meals and laughs with you as time goes by.

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