Every year, just around the end of January, I begin to develop a low grade headache that has everything to do with getting all my little financial record ducks in a row for tax season.  And then in late February, the headache goes away, but it’s replaced with dread (because I loathe sitting down to organize all my receipts and so on for our amazing tax preparer).  Then in March, I get a serious case of the crabbies because April 15th is now in sight, which forces me to actually call the amazing tax preparer and set a date to go in.  And today, I’m happy to report that the crabbies, dread and headaches are all behind me because I’m finally ready.  I can return to my calling as a chef.  I can put away the receipts and spreadsheets for another year . . .  The sun shines again & I can hear the birds singing again.  Thank goodness this only takes up 3 months of my time each year . . . .  Now, lest you think me lazy, know this dear readers.  Each year, I vow to do my record keeping each month to stay on top of things, so that the next January does not find me in this same predicament.  But then after I get my taxes completed, it’s time to plant the garden.  And then it’s time to tend the garden and yard.  Then it’s time to harvest and can the bounty of the summer.  Then it’s time to get all Fall chores completed.  Then it’s time for Thanksgiving and then Christmas.  So you see, for a busy person such as myself, staying on target with book keeping may never be feasible.  So for now, I’ll just be grateful to have 2014 taxes completed and not worry about January and get my menus planned for the rest of this week’s clients – whom I am so very, very grateful to work with 🙂

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