Let’s face it, Winter can be rough on our moods!  Lack of sun, the cold, etc. all lead us to be about as active as those hibernating bears we’re all familiar with.  Here’s a fresh concept to noodle on – try eating better to stabilize your body and your moods!  Often times, we fall back on the junk that brings us those lovely feelings of euphoria (chocolate, ice cream, chips, fried foods, etc), but these foods hold very little nutrition and studies have shown that high fat foods really hurt our mental game in the long run.


So what’s next?  Go online and find some amazing new recipes to try (obviously – not a new recipe for fried chicken, but healthful recipes loaded with veggies and protein).  Get together with a friend or two and make the recipes together – studies also show that we need more social time in these short days of winter.  Be bold and get outside for a hit of vitamin D and some exercise!  Try snow shoeing or cross country skiing, both are great cardio workouts and really fun ways to beat those winter blahs.  Or – if you really don’t want to cook for yourself you could try working with a personal chef (you knew I would work my healthful agenda in somehow, didn’t you?).  I have a whole host of health-promoting recipes that are packed with mood boosters such as broccoli, artichokes, sweet potatoes and tomatoes!  Give me a shout out – I’m always happy to answer questions, provide information and work together with you to develop a new path forward to beat those Winter blues.

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