If I had no shame here, I could go on and on, brazenly selling myself willy-nilly, praising myself for my stunning culinary talents, lavishing myself with accolades over past dishes, etc., etc., but I’m seriously not that kind of girl.  I like to think that I possess as much humility as I do culinary talent.  This blend that I strive to keep keeps me with both feet firmly planted on the earth.  A good place to be, wouldn’t you agree?

Seriously though, why should you consider working with a personal chef?  For a number of reasons, really.  Many, many people that I work for just plain and simply hate cooking.  Fair enough. I hate book keeping and tax preparation (if left alone to prepare my own taxes, I will spontaneously combust, it happened once already) so I hire someone to do that for me. Another reason you may consider hiring a personal chef is because you are looking to change your self, and/or your diet to become a more healthy person in 2012.  Tell me this – how many calories are in a baked chicken wing?  If you can’t answer that question (the answer is 70, by the way) then perhaps working with a personal chef may help you achieve your “weighty” goals of becoming healthier. Maybe you would be interested in a cooking lesson or two where you’ll learn about new ingredients, new ways of preparing old favorites and all sorts of other cool things about meal preparation. The last great reason I’ll mention today is that you’ll be supporting a local business and a local family by doing so.  We small businesses someday hope to grow into bigger businesses and by spending your money with us, you help your local economy become healthier.

So, that’s all I have for today.  I hope this little diatribe will give you some food for thought about Simply Served.  If it has spawned any questions, just go back into my webpage and under the “contact” tab, send me an email with your questions.  Cheers!

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